Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Creating Your Own Sub-Irrigated Planter (SIP)

Presently, I have 7 Earthbox Planters which I'm very happy with. I am however always looking for a little bit more growspace and decided to try my hand at a home made Sub-Irrigated Planter (SIP). Pretty much everything used to make this planter was something I either had laying around or something I was able to bum off of a Facebook friend.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, all SIPs feature a reservoir chamber at the bottom of the planter that is filled with water through a tube, plastic pipe or other opening. The water is then soaks or wicks upward into the soil through capillary action. The chamber features an overflow hole which prevents over-watering making the planter pretty much fool proof. As long as you fill the reservoir full each day then it is practically impossible to over or under water your plants.

I used regular old 5 gallon buckets to act as the planter itself. One holds the growing medium and stacks inside the other. The void in the bottom of the exterior bucket acts as the reservoir and a piece of PVC pipe acts as the fill tube. A small plastic bowl (a used sour cream container works great) will hold the growing medium in the reservoir and a simple kitchen trash bag will act as our mulch cover.

Complete Materials List

  • 2 five gallon buckets
  • Pipe or tube for fill tube (I used 1 1/2" PVC pipe which allows a garden hose to inserted for easy filling)
  • Small plastic bowl (sour cream container sized)
  • Growing medium (medium to large bag)
  • Kitchen sized trash bag
  • Drill with 1/4" bit and 1 1/2" hole saw
  • Rotary tool
  • Circular saw (to cut PVC pipe to length if needed) 
  • String
  • Bolt cutters (to cut bucket handles off)
  • Scissors
  • Permanent Marker
  • Additional fertilizer (Optional - I used Jobes Organics Granular Fertilizer For Vegetables & Tomatoes 2-7-4)  

Start by making sure your buckets are clean and ready for planting. Cut the handles off the buckets and then stack one inside the other. Measure how much of the top bucket sticks out of the the bottom and then trim your plastic bowl to that height. Place the cut bowl on the bottom of what will be your interior bucket and trace an outline.

Use the rotary tool to cut a circle out for your small bowl. Use a 1/4" bit to drill approximately 25 around your larger center hold and finally, use a 1 1/2" hole saw to drill a space for your fill tube.

Cut four slits in your small plastic bowl to allow water to penetrate into your growing medium and wick upward.

Drill four 1/4" holes in bottom of your fill tube to allow water to enter the reservoir. 

Drill three or so holes in your exterior bucket slightly shorter than the height of your plastic bowl. These holes will as act your overflow hole.

Stack your two buckets one inside the other and position your plastic bowl and fill tube. Your plastic bowl should fit snugly in the bottom hole as should your fill tube.

 Add moist growing medium to the bottom of your bucket and pack it in tightly into your small bowl. Continue filling your bucket until it is around 2/3 of the way full.

If you're using an additional fertilizer, add now per manufacturer's instructions. I used  Jobes Organics Granular Fertilizer For Vegetables & Tomatoes 2-7-4.

Finish filling your planter until you have about a 1/2 to 1" mound on top. Cover with a kitchen sized trash bag (cut small hole to fit over fill tube) and then use string to tie cover tight. Trim excess bag/mulch cover with scissors.

Cut a X in the center of your mulch cover and carefully plant your seedling in the center of the planter. Water the seedling from the top this first time. Go ahead and add water to the reservoir through the fill tube until it comes out of the overflow holes. This is the only time you should need to water your planter from the top as water will constantly sock upward into the planter from the reservoir. During the heat of the summer you will want to check the water level daily. Just add water until water comes out of the overflow holes. With this type of sub-irrigated planter it is impossible to overwater.

I've chosen a Yellow Pear Tomato for this specific planter. I'll post updates as to its progress. Thanks for reading! 

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